Sunday, 8 May 2011


Sean W Smith is launching his new DVD and will be doing several launch events. Please see Sean's website for further information.


This week is our Kids Vision Network Meeting.

Join us at Encounter Maylands this Wednesday May 11 @ 7-30pm

Guest Speaker Rob Adams from OAC

Supper provided.

Bring along your teams to make connections and bring encouragement to one another.


Please David Goodwin is coming on a quick visit also on May 11 for a Trauma Counselling Course.

This counselling course has been set up at very short notice while he is here in Perth.

Ideal training for school chaplains, children’s pastoral care leaders & workers

David says, “We are all concerned about the effects of recent worldwide events on our children. Just this year we have the Queensland & Victorian floods, WA fires, Christchurch’s Earthquakes, plus the Japanese earthquake, tsunami & nuclear accident. Children are aware of these things happening as they see them on television and talk about these things at school. Many will be wondering how safe they are or how safe the world is. You would be called upon to help in local community situations or a crisis that affects an individual or a family of your church.The Kidsreach "Trauma Counselling Course" has been developed for these situations. You & your pastoral care team members are invited to attend this training program to be held at: Champion Lakes Christian Church, 30 Brant Street, Kelmscott, on May 11th from 7 pm - 9.15 pm. The seminar’s cost is reduced to $25 thanks to the generous support of our donors.” Register:

Monday, 18 April 2011

Willow ANZ: Creating and Communicating a Ministry Culture

Willow ANZ: Creating and Communicating a Ministry Culture: "Children’s ministry teams by their nature draw together a wide range of volunteers. These volunteers come with a variety of experiences whic..."

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Rob Adams at next Network Meeting

Mark your diary... Rob Adams will be in the building as we meet again as a group of children's ministers.

Wednesday May 11 join Kids Vision
@ 7:30pm
Encounter Maylands
Eighth Ave

Supper provided.

Rob brings not only a wealth of experience in the area of children's outreach but also a great sense of humour.

Join us for network, info and encouragement.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Thank-you Bible Society

A BIG thank-you to Nathan Fawkes as he shared with us at the Kid's Vision Network Meeting. We had a great night looking at the variety of translations of Bibles and the place they each take in our respective ministries.
We were also gifted with among other things the new E100 Reading Plan currently being launched.

Thank-you for those who attended and made it an enjoyable and informative time together.