Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Children’s Ministry Director Needed (3 days per wk)

We are seeking a creative person who has a passion for ministry to children and an ability to lead ministry teams. Our vision for children’s ministry here at North Beach is “Inspiring children to become passionate followers of Jesus”. Our children’s ministry has many opportunities for the gospel and key to raising up a new generation who. follow Jesus.
We are therefore seeking a Children’s Ministry Director to pursue this vision together with others providing leadership, vision and empowering others in Children’s ministry.

For more information please contact Ps Tony Spencer 94487018
North Beach Baptist Church
10 Groat Street
North Beach W.A 6020

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Harvest West Childrens Ministry

Harvest West is offering a Children’s Ministry stream in 2008 – if you are considering a scholarship application with Kids Vision and you have not yet decided which college to sign up with – please note that Harvest West Bible College is offering units in Children’s Ministry. Applications close 22 February 2008.

Contact - Harvest West Bible College Inc. (08) 94793443

Sunday, 16 December 2007

Age trends

Ruth Powell, director of National Church Life Survey, has written an insightful article about the increasing gap between the age of people in the Australian population and the age of people in churches. A brief summary. . ..

In 1966 there was no discernable difference in the church-going habits of different age groups in the Australian population.

Since then, younger people have been less and less likely to attend church. In the chart above, the darker line shows the shift from the 2001 NCLS data. The curve representing the Australian population is on the left.

Basically, the church in Australia is growing older. Young people are less likely to be involved in Church life. And this is not a trend that is reversing but increasing.

While some denominations (notably the Pentecostals and "Other Protestant" - smaller groups and independent churches) are bucking the trend, this is a worrying sign for the future of church life in Australia and one that every church board and ministry team needs to consider.

Friday, 7 December 2007

Kids Vision Scholarships

Just a reminder that we have 6 Kids Vision Scholarships to award in 2008.

Scholarship funding is available to any person working in Kids Ministry in a Church of Christ in WA - in a volunteer or paid role.

Application forms and information were sent to all churches in October. Please check with your church administrator or contact one of the Kids Vision Team if you would like a Scholarship Prospectus pack.

Wanted: Children's Pastor

Children’s Pastor

Warnbro Community Church, located in the City of Rockingham, Western Australia is seeking someone who is able to lead our growing Kids Connection team.

Our vision for this established full-time position is to continue to build the most creative and life-changing children’s ministry in the region so that we lead children (and their families) to Jesus through relevant and exciting programs. Warnbro Church has invested heavily in our kids’ area, and we continue to see this as one of the most strategic areas of our ministry.

We’re seeking a highly motivated, visionary, fun, and innovative person to lead our team of paid staff and volunteers. This role is exclusively focused on children from 0 to 12 years of age, and oversees a wide range of mid-week programs (including our work in 5 primary schools), as well as our Sunday morning programs in our two worship services.

Remuneration will be addressed directly with suitable applicants and may include flexible working hours, study leave and a motor vehicle.

If you feel called to this position, then please contact Mark Jones, Team Leader for Ministry Support on (08) 9593 2133 / 0410 844 880 or for an Application Pack. All applications should be made in writing on or before 29 January, 2008, and will be handled in the strictest confidence.