Sunday, 20 September 2009

September Network Gathering

Pages Cafe at Koorong was a hub of discussion as we had our Kids Vision Network gathering for the term. Thanks for all who came along for the morning as we covered some ground in looking at available resources, including a new magazine out of the U.S. called "K Mag'. Our morning gave the opportunity to browse and compare what some of us have used in our ministry's and are able to recommend as well as look at some new ones, with us dispersing throughout the store at the end of the morning after a good coffee.

Please be praying for one another as we work on the frontline in this vital area of children, in particular please be praying for Darrell (Rivervale), as he is currently facing some health challenges.

We look forward to seeing you next term at our final get together for the year.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Scripture Union Job Vacancy

Scripture Union are currently advertising for a Primary Age Co-ordinator. This role involves the coordination and management, support and oversight of SU’s primary aged ministry and especially the SU Primary Aged Clubs (SUPA Clubs). The chief tasks involve working with and supporting volunteer team leaders to run quality programs, providing them with pastoral support and resources.

For further information go to the Sripture Union website at

Sunday, 6 September 2009

2010-2011 Scholarship Applications

Applications for Kids Vision Scholarships are now open for study in 2010-2011.

Applicants must be in either a volunteer or staff role in a local COCWA church in children's ministry.

Applicants are offered funding for 2 units of children's ministry training that can be undertaken at any level (Diploma - Master's) through an approved training institution.

Information and Scholarship Prospectus can be obtained by emailing Tania. Closing dates for applications are January 30th 2010.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Network Gathering two weeks away

A friendly reminder our Network get together is only two weeks away. Round your children's ministry team up and join us at Koorong on Thursday September 17 at 10-00am for some time of refreshment and keep abreast of kids ministry resources.