I am currently reading a book by Wayne Codeiro, 'Doing Church As A Team'. It has been encouraging to read as it describes a philosophy of developing team. As Children's Ministers we have a role to integrate the vision of our churches into our ministry.
If you have ever been wondering how vision is developed and how you may be a part of developing your ministry within the wider church vision then I hope this little excerpt encourages you as it has encourage me.
At the beginning stages (of developing vision) you may have the tendency to feel inadequate for the tasks ahead. You may feel ill equipped to measure up to any new vision, let alone a God glorifying dream! But rest assured, God will always start with what you have, not what you don’t have. We can learn a lot about developing or casting vision by examining how God communicated vision to His people through His servant Moses.
Moses had the incredible assignment of guiding Gods people out of Egypt, through the wilderness and into the promised land. Got vision! Moses sure did! The survival of God’s people depended on nothing less than his ability to discern and then communicate this vision.
This is such a powerful legacy, one that set into motion vision and direction for every future generation of God’s children. Among the lessons we can glean from the practical instruction the Lord gave Moses in communicating His vision is to begin with what you have. Numbers 10:1,2 The Lord spoke to Moses saying, "Make yourself two trumpets of silver, of hammered work you shall make them; and you shall use them for summonsing the congregation and for having the camps set out"
God said to make trumpets of silver but where would these recently freed slaves get their hands on precious metals?There were no jewelry stores in the neighborhood, at least not at the time. Fortunately God had commanded the Israelites to plunder the wealth of the Egyptians. All that was required was found within their grasp. The trumpets were made out of what they had, not from what they didn't possess.
As you begin to develop your vision, look at what you have. Look at the skills, talents, the spiritual gifts and passions God has planted in you …and your team (emphasis mine)