Sunday, 19 December 2010

Blessed Christmas

Amongst the chocolate,
Christmas trees,
Christmas stockings,
carols and more....

May you be blessed and encouraged this Christmas season as you each personally seek to reach a child and their families this Christmas season.

It is our privilege to partner with you and we look forward to 2011 and all the wonder it will bring.

The Kid's Vision Team

Sunday, 12 December 2010

SONG LINKS by John & Ellie Macpherson 2010

Each Song Link song tells part of the story and creates links to other parts of
the Bible story. For example, The Shepherds’ Song depicts the shepherds
‘running off to Bethlehem’, linking between the appearance of the angels and
the Nativity. The songs can link to


Art/Craft—Bible Readings.

To purchase contact: Ellie & John
Macpherson on 93867557 or 042 4433 665
or and a copy
will be sent postage free!!

. Song Links CD is a
selection of 15
Christmas, Easter
and Exodus songs.
. Song Links is a
resource for Primary
aged students.
. Song Links can be
used as items, songs
that link to your
scripture lessons,
children’s church or
club time. Start
making the LINK!!

$15 special
price for
Christmas !!

ACOM Children's Ministry Package

ACOM’s children’s ministry
package will help you
develop new & creative ways
to make a positive difference
in the lives of children.

Spend three days diving further into the fascinating world of Children’s Ministry. Come along and connect with other
practitioners, or do as part of a Diploma, Bachelor or Masters course. The online training package includes:

understanding children // children & the Christian faith // practical ideas for children’s programs management
& leadership of children’s programs // children’s ministry in the local church & the community

Presented by:

Tania Watson is the Executive Minister at Lifestreams
Christian Church-South Perth. She is also the Executive
Minister for Churches of Christ in WA and the Chair
of Kids Vision WA. Tania has extensive experience in
Children’s Ministry and is passionate about developing
and releasing children’s ministry leaders. She is
married to Neil and has two children, Sebastian and
Lucy. She is an avid movie watcher, enjoys reading,
chocolate, coffee and ministry.

Complete registration online at
or email or

1800 672 692           1800 672 692
Wednesday 6th Friday 8th April 2011
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
$150 for participants
$135 for groups (3+)
$295 for participants with online course
Or enrol in unit for credit at undergraduate or
postgraduate level or as part of another degree.
Lifestreams Christian Church
Murray Street, Como

Passing the Baton training day & Expo- Sat 12th Feb 2011

This is a great day of training and resourcing for our children's workers and is a local event so get your early bird registration in and make a real day of it with your team.

Passing the Baton training day & Expo- Sat 12th Feb 2011 - Registrations
are open.
Remember early-bird rates apply.
(i) online -
(ii) by mail - download form from our website or request hardcopy to
be sent by mail (

Monday, 6 December 2010

Thank-you Darrell

A BIG thank-you to Darrell Higginbottom as he steps down from his role in Kidsvision to make a move to rural WA. Darrell is taking up the role of Chaplain in Harvey and will formally conclude his role as Family Pastor at Rivervale Church of Christ at the end of December. He has been a part of the Kids Vision team taking a more leading role in 2010 in organizing all the network gatherings for 2010 and has a real heart for serving with children and we will miss him as he makes this move but are delighted for him and his family as they seek to establish themselves under God’s hand in a new place. Please join us in praying for him as he makes this move and that he will live out God’s vision for the work to be accomplished in Harvey.