Friday, 31 August 2007

Kids Vision Country Link Team

We recognise that the needs and challenges of ministering to kids in country areas are unique. Kids Vision is committed to helping churches in country areas as much as we can ... and so we are pleased to introduce kids ministry leaders from two of our churches who are prepared to offer help and support. Sheryl O'Sullivan is available to churches in the northern region and Kerry Cross is happy to help churches in the south-west.

Our Country Link Team is committed to helping communicate information and resources.
In this blog, we would love you to meet Sheryl O'Sullivan from Northam ...

Sheryl is the Children’s Ministry Team Leader at Northam Church of Christ. As well as overseeing the Sunday morning children’s programs, she runs a playgroup, teaches SRE and supports the Salvos in the after school and holiday programs. She enjoys writing her own programs for children. Sheryl is excited about the future direction of the local church as they prepare to run new programs for children and parents in the new Bridgeley Community Centre. Sheryl has a heart for equipping other children’s leaders and being able to support and resource them. She is the Kids Vision contact for the northern and eastern country churches. Her motto? Loving Him by loving His kids.

1 comment:

Vawz said...

Hey there, what a great church that Northam church is. I am heading up that way for there big opening...october, or is it November.
Love Northam!