Sunday, 4 November 2007

The Golden Compass

Many of you may have been alerted to the 'dangers' of this movie via email. The movie release date is December 7th so there are no actual movie reviews circulating on the web yet.

I read through all 3 books in the series last week. There are indeed elements to be very concerned about for those working in kids and youth ministries. Whilst many children may not pick up on the anti-church elements, they are likely to be intrigued by the daemons that are an integral part of every person's character. Daemons are animals that reflect the human soul. In young children they can change shape at will, often according to how the child is feeling or what they are facing.

There is no clear distinction in the books as to right/wrong; good/evil. Alliances between witches, angels, animals and people groups (mythical & human) shift and change through multiple worlds. The overall plot of the stories move from the 'kingdom of heaven' to the 'republic of heaven' - in other words, the overthrow of "God".

I personally love fantasy books and this series is indeed a rivetting read. But it is disturbing and has the real potential to pull children away from the truth of the Gospel.

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