Tuesday, 14 August 2007


This is the very first post on the Kids Vision blog - Welcome!!


Vawz said...

Great looking site! Love the logo! If you want to put in someone email, just type their name and if possible highlight the name and turn it into a hyper link and make the name itself as the email. But rather than make it an http:// type thing you make it look like this "mailto:tania@spcc.org.au"
Let me know if you don't get it.

Vawz said...

Oh I see from your next post you already have the 'mailto' thing working!

Karl Bastian said...

Thanks for the link! I'd love to visit your network someday, if the Lord leads me up there. I went there on my sabbatical (WA) and there are pics on my blog... as my roomie at MBI used to call it, "The Great Northwest" (he was from and still lives in spokane)

God's best to you!